Sophie - Westoe Village Kindergarten


Sophie is two years old and attends Westoe Village Kindergarten. She struggles with social communication, but this doesn't stop her from having a huge beaming smile on her face every day. Sophie thrives off sensory activities and has developed a remarkably close bond to the staff within her room.

We want to raise awareness of Social Communication Difficulties and hope to raise money to help support Sophie and her family.

Harry - West Park Kindergarten


Harry was diagnosed at 15 months old with Unicoronal Craniosynostosis. The left side suture had fused together prematurely; Harry was then referred to Birmingham Children's hospital (one of the four specialist hospitals along with Liverpool, Oxford and Great Ormond Street). He underwent surgery for around 20 months in which they reconstructed his skull.

He is now under the Cranio team until he is 11 years old but has responded amazingly to the surgery and the surgeons are happy with his progress and development.

Summer - Harton Village Kindergarten


"My name is Summer, and I attend Harton Village Kindergarten. I am Three years old and enjoy making new friends. I was born with an extra chromosome making me extra special to my Family and friends. Sometimes I need that little bit of extra support at nursery and outside with my physical development, my nursery teachers and family are there to support me.

I am really excited that Eamonn has chosen to run the Great North Run in my honour, raising funds to help support my future."

Harriet - Bede Burn Kindergarten


Harriet is four years old and attends Bede Burn Kindergarten. She was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at just five days old.

Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disorder which causes sticky mucus to build up in the lungs and digestive system; this causes breathing problems and increases the risk of lung infections. There's a long list of symptoms that comes with cystic fibrosis, as well as a high risk of developing other conditions such as osteoporosis (weak and brittle bones) and diabetes.