Caterpillars (20 months - 3 years)

The Caterpillars group caters for 24 children aged 20 months – 3 years working on a staff ratio of one staff member to every four children for 2 – 3 year old and one staff member to every three children for 20 months – 2 year olds.  The aim of the staff in Caterpillars group is to provide a high standard of care to aid the individual child’s learning and development. The Caterpillars day is structured around the use of weekly planners that encourage each child to learn and recognise colours, shapes and numbers and develop their language skills at their own pace.

In the Caterpillars

Play is an important part in our Caterpillars. Through play children are encouraged to interact with their peers, become aware of others feelings and explore and learn about the world around us and our environment. Throughout each day the children will become familiar with a daily routine such as snack and meal times, tidy up time, story and song time.  The children enjoy a range of structured and planned activities i.e. small group times, discussion times, cooking and messy activities as well as free choice activities such as sand, painting, gluing, dough/clay and play with a range of toys.

Children that require a sleep during the day will sleep in the main room after lunch. Each child will be provided their own sheet and blanket which will be set out on our snoozing mats.

In the Caterpillars the staff promote personal hygiene and always encourage the children to wash their hands after toileting, before meals and after outdoor play. The room is also equipped with toileting and nappy changing facilities. Parents with children who are still in nappies are asked to provide sufficient nappies, wipes/cream to see the child through their nursery day.

See Our Other Rooms

Little Ladybirds (0 - 20 months)

Caterpillars (20 months - 3 Years)

Butterflies (3 - 5 Years)